N'hara Greywolf
Fist of Rhalgr
A strong and compassionate monk of mixed heritage, always willing to give his all for friends, family, and those in need.

N'hara Tia | Balmung (Crystal Data Center)

Full Name: N'hara Greywolf (Tia)
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te / Highlander Hyur
Height: 6'0"
Build: Mesomorph, Very Muscular
Orientation: Homosexual
Occupation: Fist of Rhalgr / Fisher
Personality Traits: Friendly, supportive, comforting, passionate, determined, stubborn
Likes: Fishing, Cooking, Training, Meditating
Dislikes: Heavy drinking, cumbersome clothes, cold weather
N'hara has experienced much in his few short decades. He grew up among his tribe in La Noscea; he participated in the Dragonsong War and the Liberation of Ala Mhigo; when Gyr Abania was finally freed, he became an anointed member of the Fist of Rhalgr.With each hardship he's seen and endured, he grows stronger, wiser, and kinder.In these recent times of relative peace and stability, N'hara works to balance his continued training with spending more times with friends, family, and loved ones.

RP Hooks
Fists of Rhalgr — N'hara is an anointed Monk and a devout worshiper of Rhalgr. He is always interested in meeting with his fellow Monks for sparring, training, and fellowship.
Fishing Hobbyist — If you've ever gone fishing in La Noscea or Gyr Abania, you've probably seen him with rod and tackle in hand and his day's catch. Take a seat, bait your hook, and share your favorite fishing story!
The N Tribe — Are you a member of the N Tribe of miqo'te? If you are, feel free to come say hello to your cousin. You might just get a home-cooked meal out of it!
The Grey Pantera — An LGBT+ leather bar where N'hara frequently works. Come for a drink, some good food, and maybe a bit of company...
Contact Info
Discord — Nahara#7412